About me

Hello! I am a PhD candidate at Northeastern University’s Khoury College of Computer Science in Olga Vitek’s lab, focusing on the development of computational methods for mass spectrometry (MS)-based proteomics.

One of my main research areas is in the application of statistical techniques to different types of MS proteomics experiments. I am a one of the lead developers of the MSstats family of R packages and have created a number packages, including the MSstatsPTM and MSstatsLiP packages. Additionally, I created the R shiny-based GUI MSstatsShiny to more easily distribute these methods to a wider audience.

Beyond statitical methods, I am also researching applications of causal inference to biochemical systems; predicting the effects of perturbations on the system. I have recently presented this work at ASMS Asilomar 2023, and US HUPO 2023.


I grew up on Nantucket, MA and have lived in Massachusetts for the majority of my life. I completed my undergraduate degree at Union College in Schenectady, NY where I studied economics. After college I started my professional career in the Boston area, where I worked as a data analyst and engineer for the digital marketing company Cybba Inc. Eventually, I returned to school at Northeastern to refine my modeling and machine learning skills. I completed my Masters in Data Science in December 2020, after maintaining a 4.0 GPA throughout the program, and officially began my PhD in September 2021.

Other than research, I am passionate about the outdoors and am an avid surfer and snowboarder. Check out the photos tab!


Please get in touch with me by email at kohler.d@northeastern.edu